Title - Blacklocks Boookshop - Rare & Historical Prints, Specialising in Egham, Englefield Green, Virginia Water
Rare & Historical Prints

History of The Ordnance Survey

edited by W.A. Seymour, Wm. Dawson & Sons Ltd., England, 1980. Hard Cover. Book Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. First Edition.

Ordnance Survey was the world's first national mapping agency in the modern sense. This splendid history was compiled by leading members of staff and eminent historians and provides a fascinating insight into an organization which most have heardof but few really understand. Scholarly but accessible text is enlivened by a set of lovely plates.

Book is Fine and comes complete with the publisher's original erratum slip at p.35 ; dustjacket looks very good from the front with two short tears at the top of the rear. 394 pages